Monday, October 8, 2012

The New World

Finally took the first step and joined the "blogging world"....Funny i'm the type of person you can't shut up - and now i'm struggling to think of my next sentence awkward....

But i'm going to keep this short and sweet because i'm not here to tell you about my self this will be all beauty related blogs from hair to makeup and clothes to shoes,You name it and i will blog it.....

The page will be mainly tried and tested products and if you have any you want me to try no problem:)

Info on me:

A beauty fanatic from the west of Ireland Galway to be precise.
Qualified in Makeup Artistry i have a diploma and also a itec level 2 in it,I am also qualified in nails and did a hair styling course some time ago....

I know what it's like wondering what's the best product to use for hair,skin & makeup but i will be giving my 100% honest advice...

But you have to remember "Everyone to there own"  - what i might like someone might hate....

Beauty Related

          x x

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